Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: How do I know if my order is confirmed?
- A: A confirmation page with your order number will load after you submit your order. Suppose you provided a valid email address during the checkout process. In that case, you will receive two emails after placing your order. The first confirms the details of your order. The second email notifies you that your order has shipped and contains your shipment tracking number.
- Q: Can I make changes to my online order?
- A: We pride ourselves on processing your orders quickly and efficiently. Once your order has been confirmed, we can no longer cancel or modify your order. Please see our return policy for additional information.
- Q: When is my order shipped?
- A: In-stock items usually ship within two business days (48 hours) from placing your order. You should receive the order within 7-10 business days from the shipping time, depending on your location.
- Q: How can I track the status of my order?
- A: Your order and a shipment tracking number will be included in your shipment confirmation email. It may take 48 hours before your tracking information is available online.
- Q: Do I pay sales tax?
- A: We will collect sales tax on all purchases sent within the state of New York. Shipping costs are not taxable.
- Q: Do you gift wrap?
- A: Unfortunately, at this time, we do not offer gift wrapping on our orders.
- Q: Can I use a promo code?
- A: If an active promotion requires a promo code, it can be entered in the designated box in your shopping bag or during the checkout process. Promotions run for a limited time. Quantities may be restricted. Offers are not valid on previously purchased merchandise or purchases of gift cards. Only one promo code can be used one order at a time.
- Q: Do we keep your Information?
- A: Yes, we keep the Information you provide us for our records only. We will not release any customer information to anyone. All Information collected is for the sole purpose of filling orders and enhancing your shopping experience.
- Q: Is my credit card information secure?
- A: Yes, you are shopping on a secure website.